Tuesday 7 January 2014

It's been seven days without sausages.

The seventh day of the trial, and it's been going well. We've been experimenting with different alternatives to milk, and rice milk is the favourite. Soya milk leaves an aftertaste, oat milk is ok on cereals but not great in drinks, while rice milk is, well, good!
Yesterday I was craving a midmorning snack; not the usual sticky cake sort of craving, I needed an apple! I pulled into a  minimart in Bath, only to find they didn't sell any fresh fruit at all. A sign of the times that I'd never noticed, but why should the little shop offer fruit for sale when nobody wants to buy it?
Feeling good - not missing meat at all - but dairy produce will seek out the achilles heel.
We're both enjoying grazing on nuts, which are cheap at this postChristmas time.
Our main evening meals have all been good; curries, lentil bake, roast vegetables with celeriac mash, spicy beanburgers with chips, and leftover evenings. On Saturday we had some brave omnivore friends around for a full vegan curry experience, centred around a Thai butternut squash curry. It was a very nice supper, which we had fun preparing together, and enjoyed by all.
It's been good to see the burgeoning of the facebook group for Veganuary, lots of enthusiasm there and some wonderful food. There's not time to read about everyone's dinner, sadly.
It pays to plan for excursions from the house, not to leave without a supply of peanuts and dried apricots.
Tonight we're having an old friend, the kidney bean curry, which I know will be good and satisfying.
In Morrisons tonight, I was pleased to see that they had soya yog on sale, a new addition for them in our store.
We still haven't done much baking, a pleasure yet to come, nor have we investigated the smoothee.
All in all, it's going well for us. A cycling trip in India is looming close now, we're off to Goa to raise money for children. From previous experience, we know the vegan food laid on will be superb. Can't wait!

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